"Corporation" sounds like a corporate form of something that is reserved for large companies. It is a fact that in Germany those companies designed as a German Aktiengesellschaft (AG) do not include small businesses, or not very many small and medium enterprises. The U.S. Corporation is also a Corporation, however, different rules apply here than in Germany so that it is not out of the question that the legal form of Corporation is also widely used for small and medium-sized businesses.
There are several reasons for this:
All this lowers the entry requirements for the establishment of a U.S. Corporation and makes it practical for businesses of any size.
In any case, the Corporation is one of the companies in which the liability is limited to the company's assets. The personal assets of the founder are then broadly protected.
From the first moment, with ALTON LLC we were confident, and could instead focus on our business. With its competent team, ALTON LCC was always been there for us. Small as well as big jobs were done to our complete satisfaction. And, Mr. Karagoz did not hesitate to tackle even the most complicated tasks. I am always happy to do whatever I can to thank him for all his help. - Andreas Jenny (AutoGlobalTrade AG)