In the U.S. the basic conditions for incorporating a business as a Corporation are determined at the state level. However, based on many states laws, the formation of a Limited Liability Company (LLC) is determined at the federal level, and there exists the "Uniform Limited Liability Company Act" (ULLCA) and the "Prototype LLC Act" model laws. Nevertheless, in both types of companies - the LLC and the Corporation - the important question is the minimum capital requirements and the minimum number of founders required and this, in part, varies between the different U.S. states and thus depends on the state the company is based and what state the company is doing business in.
For its clients ALTON is active throughout Florida because, as a rule, it is a state particularly favorable for conditions of business creation. However, in no way does does this mean that the business operations of the company you establish there are limited to the state of Florida. You can operate as a LLC, or as a Corporation, in many parts of the business world and even have it focus its core operations - for example in Germany. Entry in the U.S. is for founders who want to form a company under U.S. law and operate in Germany without the necessity of its founding and incorporating procedures.
Both a Corporation and a LLC can be incorporated in Florida with only a single person. In addition, the establishment of a LLC and a Corporation in Florida is possible without shares of capital, so the hurdle for entrepreneurs is a low one. If required, under certain conditions founders in Florida, can also remain anonymous. As to taxes and levies to be paid, Florida is also a good choice in comparison to many other U.S. states.
In order to establish a U.S. Corporation one does not necessarily have to be a U.S. citizen. Germans can also use this legal form. The only requirement is a minimum age of 18 years. The establishment of the Corporation is both possible through natural and legal entities (e.g. companies). In principle, companies from different industries can use the correct type of "Corporation" to do business. Exceptions are activities for which a special permit is necessary. A Corporation has a business address in the U.S. and a so-called Registered Agent. For the U.S. authorities, the Registered Agent is the person designated to officially receive and send legal papers on behalf of a business entity.
For entrepreneurs of a LLC or a Corporation with the desire to conduct business in Germany, ALTON can represent both their official U.S. headquarters address as well as act as their Registered Agent so that those legal requirements for the company's existence are met.
Florida's official rules for a Corporation are established by the state and its statutes are found in Title XXXVI (Business Organizations), Section 607 (Corporations).
The above-mentioned conditions for the establishment of a Corporation also, in principle, apply for a Limited Liability Company (LLC). This means: purpose, domestic and foreign natural and legal persons. The founder must be at least 18 years old. The formation of a LLC by a single person is possible and the founder must not prove minimum capital.
As with the establishment of a Corporation, applicable for a LLC is also that the company show they have established a business address in the U.S. and designated a Registered Agent. For entrepreneurs who want to operate in Germany with their Corporation or LLC, ALTON can help provide them with both the official company address and the Registered Agent.
For a LLC in Florida established rules are also part of the statutes of the state. They are found in Title XXXVI (Business Organizations), Chapter 608 (Limited Liability Companies).